Lab Log - June 8, 2022


I learned that PyTorch was easier to use than I thought.

Today's Research Goals

  • Start reading about Meta's MDETR model
  • Learn how to use PyTorch

Completed Tasks

Look at the thingies!

![A dog, a truck, a plane, and a dog]("./assets/Dog Truck Plane Dog.png")

Unresolved Things

  • Still need to actually read the whole MDETR paper and successfully train the model.
  • I have forgotten how to graph an image directly from a tensor using matplotlib.

I am pretty sure this is not an image:

![A dog, a truck, a plane, and a dog]("./assets/Image Graph.png")

Questions From Today

  • (Completely off-topic, but) How can one do neurosymbolic learning with PyTorch?
  • Is PyTorch Lightning any good?

Other Notes

I feel like a dunce trying to do basic image classification with CIFAR in PyTorch because I feel like I should be past this. However, I suppose it's better to

I used to find autograd completely unapproachable, but the PyTorch docs were relatively approachable.

I also see why researchers have gravitated to PyTorch instead of TensorFlow.